Wednesday, January 19, 2011

AC Moore and My Husband!

Last Sunday:
OK so it's been snowing for 3 days and I am going crazy in the house. I say to my husband (out of desperation) "Would you like to go to AC Moore with me?" And he says "Sure". I am just happy to get out of the house. In the car I start explaining about the my 50% off coupon I got in the mail and what I am thinking about buying and the best way to use it. My husband has made it to "coupon" and I lost him at "buy", knowing its going to cost him some money. I continue to talk about yarn and knitting and anything else that pops into my head about crafting. I looooooove crafting.

In AC Moore and to the yarn isle. I explain to him that I purchased #3 double pointed knitting needles to knit socks. Now I am NOT a knitter. I have mastered many crafts, looms, crocheting, dabbled in quilting, card making, bla bla bla.....So before I die (I am only 50) I am going to master knitting and make 1 pair of socks in my lifetime. I tell him I need a book that calls for the #3 needles because that is what I bought and I don't yet know how to adjust for different needles. I have him looking through books, show him how to quickly scan through to only look for the needle size. He looks at me and says "OK". At this point I am thinking how truly lucky I am to have a husband who will do this for me and he is looking at me thinking "If I find this dam book quickly I might get home in time for the game". Well low and behold we find the book! Hurray for me.

Now I also have a 40% off coupon for one item. I turn around and start explaining to my husband all the different types of knitting needles I read about and what they are used for. He in turn is saying "Ah huh" "Ah huh". I am thinking I better act quickly, I think I am losing him! So I pick a crochet hook, yes that's what I said a crochet hook. Now I know it's not a knitting needle but sense I am a beginning knitter (and yes I really only had facts to spew at my husband about the needles so he didn't think he wasted his time) I panicked and went after what I knew.

OK we are now moving from where we were and I see a look of relief fall over my husband's face. Well I let him lead, I really did, but he took a left (thinking it was a short cut) and went down the yarn isle. Oh poor poor man! I have a book, knitting needles and a crochet hook. What was he thinking! Now we are looking at bulky yarns for circular knitting needle that I bought the week before to learn how to knit a hat. Yes, socks and a hat, very ambitious for someone who is only a loom knitter. I say to him "What color yarn do you think will look good on me"? He says "what"? I ask again and explain about the OTHER needles I bought and "What color yarn looks good on me"? I can see his head spinning. It's like asking him "Does this dress make my ass look big"! So I let him off the hook and pick out Wool-Ese Thick & Quick Cranberry yarn. How many do I need to make my hat? He starts heading up the isle like he didn't hear me. I start to follow him. He starts to walk faster. I walk faster. He makes it to the check out. A big heavy sigh of relief. It's almost over.....Then I take out my coupons. Now I can't use both coupons at one time. I start to explain about the coupons and a warm glaze falls over his eyes. He holds out his hand, takes the coupon and waits his turn to ring up my yarn. We head out to the parking lot to the car. It's over, it's really over, I can hear him thinking. I turn to him and say "I need a girlfriend huh". Well we did have a good laugh. On the way home I didn't even talk, honest I didn't. He deserved the 15 minute ride home to think about football, hammers, wood, cars, etc.....What a good guy!


  1. My husband either drops me off (if I didn't go on my own to any craft store) or sits in the parking lot. And he gets upset if he sees me get a cart... asking what I need a cart for? Well you know... I just might run into a lot of things I just have to have!!!

  2. You are so funny, Peg! I can picture the whole scenario...maybe because I have done the same sort of thing to my own husband. :D

  3. That sounds familiar! The last time I went to Joann's I brought my husband(bless his heart.) After spending 45 min. in there with me picking out fabric and without a complaint, we walk out and he says, "You really need to call Peggy to come here with you!"
    I love your blog! Keep it up!!

  4. That was a fun read Peggy. Can't wait to see what you make.

  5. Thanks so much for visiting my blog! I am very excited about it. I think all of our families can give us enough material to write a book!

    Lynn, I try so hard NOT to get a cart, but by the time I get half way through the store, well...

  6. Karen, I always count on you to help with with picking out material! I can put anything together but combining different fabrics, well your the expert!

  7. Karen T, you know you married a good man when he will craft shop with you! Thanks for reading my blog.

  8. Hi there Peggy, you are most welcome to email me at for info on sock machines.
    In the mean time here is a starting point.

    How to find a sock machine:
    Every type of machine comes with different possibilities, there is no one machine that will do it all. I love my Tuttle but also my Legare and new EG.

    Where to find a CSM and $
    A new American made Erlbacher Gearhart may start at $1400 you can check that out at

    An antique Legare is more likely $600-$900 depending on condition and number of cylinders. We occasionally have one here we can sell.

    If your hope is to find one for a few $100 or less then look for CSMs at auctions near you. Not many sock machines are found at antique shops or auctions far from the Northeast but I noted you are in NY and there is a good chance you can find a good old sock machine there.

    I would be happy to try and find a cranker in NY if you would like. I am not sure what part of NY you are in but I will do my best to find someone who can be a local help to you
    Craft with Joy Peggy

    January 31, 2013 at 3:04 PM
